The Art Of Silver Plating In St Louis
The art of Silver plating uses silver to electroplate types of metals for beauty, environmental protection or electrical properties. Polishing it gives an extravagant look and is generally expensive to acquire especially in large quantities.
The process of silver plating involves using silver metal to cover another material. For example another good electrically conductive metal. American Plating Company handles theses jobs on a large scale with OVER 70 years of experience in the plating industry. Almost everything has come through our doors at one point or another. Silver is one of the noble metals and is also known for durability.
Due to technology growth there are new and better methods in for plating silver at lower costs. The most common method is the barrel plating process. Electroplating small components such as circuit board parts and contacts as a result, this is perfect for precision and uniformity.
Silver plated projects!
The plating industry deals in a wide range of products. Such products include watches, ornaments, spoons, church-ware, cabinet handles, door knobs, coat hooks, tea sets, hinges, tubing, book ends, utensils, cigarette boxes and even lamps. Silver plating and the real thing give off the exact same shine. Plating has many benefits such as protection from corrosion, durability, decoration and memorability.
There is different pricing for different categories. The commercial per item price is usually cheaper due to mass production. The fact is that American Plating residential plating services are pocket friendly.
Contact us for more information on our residential plating services.